Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday August 10, 2012 - Day 21 of Whole 30

Breakfast:  1/3 Noatmeal + 15 blueberries
Lunch: Leftover cold rotisserie chicken, 6 carrots, 1/2 cucumber, 6 medium strawberries
Dinner: Going out to dinner at Maribelle's for a friends birthday.  Probably will kill the Whole 30 tonight, but it's been real!

5 sets of:
7 DB* hang power cleans
7 DB* push presses
:25 AirDyne @ 95% effort
4:00 walk rest
Front leaning rest on floor, accumulate 180 seconds; rest and break as needed to ensure perfect positioning throughout
*Use the same DBs for both movements, goal is a tough but fast weight


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday August 9, 2012 - Day 20 of Whole30

Breakfast: 2 eggs + 5 macadamia nuts + 1 large strawberry + 10 blueberries + 1 cup hazelnut coffee (black)
Lunch:  Salad with carrots, red peppers, cucumbers, and ground chicken + buffalo mayo dressing + 1 apple cut up with cinnamon, roasted almonds (chopped), and coconut milk... DELICIOUS.  Like an apple pie only healthy.
Dinner:  Rotisserie chicken + lemon roasted carrots + kombucha and a few macadamia nuts + 10 blueberries + 1 large strawberry

Rest day


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday August 8, 2012 - Day 19 of Whole 30

Breakfast:  1/4 cup ground chicken, 1 cup packed spinach, 2 fried eggs
Snack: 8 almonds + 2 macadamia nuts + 1/4 k-cup of Our Blend (caffeinated)
Lunch: 1.5 andouille chicken sausages, 1/4 cup broccoli, 1/2 cucumber, 1/4 red pepper
Snack: Large Banana + 7 macadamia nuts
Dinner: Paleo Chicken Parmesan (sans Parmesan) + Green Beans + Trilogy Kombucha

5:00 AirDyne @ easy pace
5 sets of:
20 single-arm overhead walking lunge steps, switch arms @ 10 reps  I did 10, 15, 20, 25, 25
200m single-arm Farmer’s walk, switch arms as needed  I did 25, 35, 40, 40, 40
20 sit-ups  I did regular ab mat situps with legs spread
:60 rest
5:00 AirDyne @ easy pace
Loading for single-arm movements should be challenging but still allow for smooth & continuous movement; as such, it’s likely that different loads will be used for each

Today was fine - no real cravings.  Probably snacked on nuts a bit too much at my desk while working through some really frustrating excel files, but it definitely could have been worse.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tuesday August 7, 2012 - Day 18 of Whole30

Breakfast:  2 eggs, fried, 1/3 cup tuna salad, 4 slices of cucumber
Snack: 10 macadamia nuts, 6 carrots, 4 cucumber slices
Lunch: Leftover meat sauce + butternut squash
Snack: 5 macadamia nuts + Chai tea bag (with caffeine)... tasted gross so I only drank half of it.
Dinner:  Grilled steak, sweet potatoes, broccoli

A. Power clean, 1-1-1-1-1-1-1; 2:30 rest, perform a few tough, deep dips or push-ups between sets
I did 63/73/83/93(f)/88/93(f)/93 GOT IT
3 rounds for time of:
12 power cleans @ 55-65% of best load in A
12 burpees
I did 53# and it took me 3:33

Really exhausted around 2 PM.  Drank half a cup of caffeinated tea. Felt amazing when I caught the 93# clean.  Struggled getting my elbows turned quickly but FINALLY got it and was so excited!  It is only a 3# PR but I will take it!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday August 6, 2012 - Day 17 of Whole30

Breakfast:  2 eggs fried in ghee with 1/4 cup ground chicken and 1/4 cup packed spinach
Lunch:  Firecracker tuna salad + 1/2 green bell pepper raw + 10 carrots + 1/4 cup blueberries
Snack: Mini Tangerine
Dinner:  Meat sauce + Butternut squash

A. High-bar back squat, 8-6-4-4, 30X1; 3:00 rest  I did 75, 85, 95, 95
B. Pull-ups, COVP, 4 x max (-2 if max is 20+); 2:00 rest I did 14, 11, 8, 8
For time:
400m run
:90 rest
400m run
I did 30 cal airdyne; rest 90 seconds; 30 cal of airdyne.  Took about 2 min for each 30 cal sprint.

TOTALLY bloated after dinner.  Felt like a crazy balloon.  It was terrible.  But it did go down before bed time.  Think I just ate too much too quickly on a completely empty stomach.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday August 5, 2012 - Day 16 of Whole30

Breakfast: 1/2 apple with cinnamon, 2 eggs fried, 3 pieces of applegate farms breakfast sausage
Lunch:  spinach, ground chicken, red pepper, cucumber slices, diced carrots + mayo buffalo dressing
Snack: Snacked on some macadamia nuts... probably 7 or 8
Dinner:  1 piece chicken breast, sweet potato, 1/2 apple, few blueberries and 3 strawberries

Rest Day.  Mobility on hips.

Starving today.  Just can't eat enough.  Starting to see some definition in my abs and less bloating!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Saturday August 4, 2012 - Day 15 of the Whole30

Breakfast: 2 eggs fried in ghee, green beans, and 1/2 banana
Lunch: 1/2 banana, green beans, small burger patty and tiny piece of chicken + trilogy kombucha
Dinner:  The whole fam went to Dewey's so I had a salad with strawberries, Macadamia nuts, and chicken.  No dressing or oil or anything.  It sucked.
Snack:  1/3 of a cucumber, 1/2 apple with cinnamon, 8 raw almonds, 1 sweet potato

Three rounds for time of:
400m run
3 x [5 burpees + 5 toes-to-bar]

14:09 … kip just isn’t there on the TTB, but Rob coached me and I understand the movement, so I am sure I will be able to get them, just need practice.
+ 1 dip every 45 seconds x 10
+ 25 weighted GHD situps with 10#

Blah.  Everyone around me was eating totally bad food, so it was kind of hard, but I made it through fine.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday August 3, 2012 - Day 14 of Whole30

Breakfast: 2 eggs + 1 strip bacon + 1/8 cup ground chicken sausage + 1 cup caffeinated coffee
Snack:  Pumpkin Seeds
Lunch:  2 HB Eggs, 1/4 cup ground chicken, 10 carrots, 1/2 raw green pepper
Dinner: Grassfed Ground Beef Patty, 1 piece chicken breast with mustard, raw green peppers and carrots

Joe's family is coming in to town so I am going to do an abbreviated version of today's WOD at home:
3 sets of:
10 push presses, tough 55-65-65
:20 AirDyne @ 95% effort
3:00 walk rest
3 sets of:
10 goblet squats, tough I used 40#
:20 row @ 95% effort  I subbed Airdyne
3:00 active rest


Feeling good!  Workout today was REALLY taxing on the legs.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday August 2, 2012 - Day 13 of Whole30

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1/2 cup chicken sausage, spinach
Snack: Pumpkin seeds + 1/2 apple
Lunch: Baby greens/spinach, diced carrots and red peppers + grilled chicken salad with 1 tbsp mayo-buffalo dressing
Pre-Dinner: 5 macadamia nuts 
Dinner:  Grassfed Strip Steak, Green beans, and Sweet Potato + handful blueberries + 1 strawberry before bed

Rest day. 

Joe stopped the whole 30 day, so i am on my own for the rest of the time.  Weeeeeeeeee.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wednesday August 1, 2012 - Day 12 of Whole30

Breakfast:  2 eggs + Sage Chicken Breakfast Sausage + Decaf coffee with cinnamon and coconut milk
Snack:   Cucumber Slices, Raw Green Pepper Slices
Lunch:  Cabbage + Sausage mixture (not good but didn't want to throw it out) + some mustard, 1 HB Egg
Snack: Berries+Coconut Milk+Roasted Almonds
Dinner:  Baby Lettuce with buffalo (spicy) ground chicken, diced carrots, diced red peppers, and a bit of mayo/buffalo sauce.  DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!  Felt seriously so satisfying.

800m run @ easy pace
5 sets of:
AMRAP (-1) strict pull-ups or tough ring rows (no bands), pause @ full dead hang  I did 5, 4, 3, 4, 3 pull ups
20 hollow rocks  These were horrendous and displayed my lack of core strength
20 mountain climbers
20 walking lunge steps, slow & controlled
:60 rest
800m run @ easy pace

After the wod I did dip practice (got 2 consecutive) and then did 20 GHD situps with 10 lb weight

In order to combat the lethargic feelings I have had the last two days, I am upping my carb intake.  I am hoping it will help with some of my exhaustion.  Really looking forward to a rest day from the gym tomorrow.  Didn't do mobility wod last night so I am going to do episodes 5 & 6 tonight.